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Proiecte extrabugetare


PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0089 (2022-2024) * 1.200.000 Lei (~240.000 €)
(Retele metal organice: de la sinteza verde la aplicatii prietenoase cu mediul inconjurator)
Dr. Aurelia VIȘA

PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2021-0427 (2022-2024) * 248.072 Lei (~50.000 €)
(Nanoplatforme luminescente hibride organice-anorganice cu arhitectură supramoleculară, solubile în apă, ca agenți de tip theranostic)
Dr. Adelina-Antonia ANDELESCU


RO-OPENSCREEN (2020-2024) * 36.090.656 Lei (~7.220.000 €)
(Cofinanţare din Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională prin Programul Operaţional Competitivitate POI 2014-2020)
Dr. Liliana CSEH

2010 … 2019

H2020 – INFRADEV- 03 2018-2019 (2019-2022)
(Ensuring long-term sustainability of excellence in chemical biology within Europe and beyond – EU-OPENSCREEN-DRIVE)
Dr. Wolfgang Fecke

(ICT representative: Dr. Liliana PĂCUREANU, ICT allocation: 14.375 €)

PNII-RU-TE-2014-4-0422 (2015-2017) * 550.000 Lei (~115.000 €)
(Innovative strategies for in silico modelling of promiscuous compounds evaluated in high-throughput screening (iPEHTS))
Dr. Ramona-Florentina CURPĂN

Grant PN-II PD (2010-2014) * 257.200 Lei (~58.000 €)
(Chemical reactivity – major cause of false results in high throughput screening?)
Dr. Ramona-Florentina CURPĂN

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